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The Z611 Automative EOE Progression Gauges sets the standard for inspecting all standard and enhanced inspection features across all conversion types.


The non-contact technology gives the operator the reassurance that no influence or bias has occurred during measurement, giving you full confidence in your production process.


Torus Shells and Ends

Beverage Shells and Ends


Technical Specification

  • Component Materials | Aluminium/Steel
  • Component Stages | Full conversion stages
  • Component End Range | Typical Range: Ø 200 – Ø 307


Features (Standard Features)

  • Bubble/Button Height(s) | Accuracy: +/- 0.010 mm
  • Bubble/Button Thickness | Accuracy: +/- 0.002 mm
  • Bubble/Button Coin | Accuracy: +/- 0.004 mm
  • Metal Thickness | Accuracy: +/- 0.002 mm


Features (Enhanced Features)

  • Heights | Accuracy: +/- 0.010 mm
  • Depths | Accuracy: +/- 0.010 mm
  • Positions | Accuracy: +/- 0.025 mm


  • All conversion types supported
  • Live data transfer to customer specific SPC package
  • Standard feature cycle time <4 minutes per full progression
  • Enhanced feature cycle time <8 minutes per full progression
  • Fully automated so no change of parts
  • Easy to load adjustable cassettes (Ø 200 – Ø 307) for inspection (48 ends per stack)

Standard Measurement Features include:

  • Bubble Height
  • Bubble Head Thickness
  • Bubble Coin
  • Metal Thickness
  • Primary Button Height
  • Primary Button Thickness
  • Secondary Button Coin

Enhanced Measurement Features include:

  • Tab Support Bead Height
  • First Panel Depth
  • Stacking Bubble Height
  • Score Position at Tab Nose
  • Panel Profile Depth

Torus Recommends

Our Divisions

Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

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    The Z411 Shell Inspection System from Torus Measurement Systems defines the standard for dimensional inspection of food can shells.


    Each food shell to be inspected is automatically collected from a ‘stack’ and loaded into the gauging module with an integrated pick and place system. The measurement cycle is then initiated via the PC running the TMS GaugeXplorer Measurement and Machine Control software.


    Torus Shells and Ends

    Beverage Shells and Ends


    Measurement Features

    • Overall Height | Accuracy: +\- 0.015 mm
    • Metal Thickness | Accuracy: +\- 0.007 mm
    • Outer Diameter | Accuracy: +\- 0.015 mm
    • Countersink Depth| Accuracy: +\- 0.015 mm
    • Curl Height | Accuracy: +\- 0.015 mm


    Additional Features (upon request)

    • Curl Opening | Accuracy: +\- 0.030 mm
    • Inner Curl Diameter | Accuracy: +\- 0.030 mm
    • Panel Depth | Accuracy: +\- 0.010 mm


    Line Scan Laser Features (optional upgrade)

    • Panel Profile | Accuracy: +\- 0.030 mm


    Technical Specification

    • Shell Materials | Aluminium/Steel
    • Shell Stages | Pre-Curl, Form, Finished
    • Size config. 1 | 100-200
    • Size config. 2 | 200-211
    • Size config. 1 | 307-603


    • Fast and accurate measurement data
    • No change parts
    • Can be supplied for a single-fixed diameter of food shell, or for facilities producing multiple sizes (Please refer to the size config. table above). A fully automatic adjustable version is available.
    • Operator can define which features are inspected at up to 16 selectable positions
    • Pre-curl and finished shells can be measured with no mechanical changeover
    • Hopper type handling system, one or two load/unload hopper cassettes (stack of shells up to 98mm height)

    Automatic Grain Alignment

    The grain alignment option allows operators to gain information of where exact measurement points are taken, allowing for precise tooling adjustment to be made where required.

    Line Scan Laser Features (Optional upgrade)

    Panel Profile, including:

    • Bead Pitch
    • Bead Spacing and Depth
    • Panel Profile Depth
    • First Panel Depth
    • First Bead Height
    • Panel Bead Diameter

    Torus Recommends

    Our Divisions

    Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

    How can we help you?



      The Z341 Manual Coating Analyser has been developed to give fast and accurate measurement of the internal lacquer, sprayed during today’s 2 piece can manufacturing process


      By cutting the can to give suitable access, the dome area of the can is able to be checked by the system.

      No “lacquer panels” are required for calibration and measurement data can be exported via on board USB or LAN ports to your factory data acquisition systems where required.

      Measurement Features

      • Internal Lacquer | Accuracy: +/- 0.2 µm | Capability: 0.4 µm
      • Over Varnish | Accuracy: +/- 0.2 µm | Capability: 0.4 µm


      Technical Specification

      • Body Diameter | Typical Range: <35 mm ∅


      Gauge Features

      • Dual system equipped with two spectrometers
      • Visible light and Near Infrared (NIR) light, enables the OV/over ink inspection
      • Simple, manual positioning by the operator ensure side wall measurements are immediately displayed on the embedded mini touch screen PC
      • Cans from (202) – (307) body diameter can be accommodated by the systems “scissor” action location fingers, operated at the push of a button
      • “Non-contact” means no wear parts, and the use of a non-contact “white light spectroscopy” technique guarantees unprecedented performance

      Torus Recommends

      Our Divisions

      Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

      How can we help you?



        Our Z604 Automatic Food Shell and end Enamel Rater offers unprecedented functionality and capability for today’s global shell/end-making industry.


        By monitoring critical manufacturing parameters over time and relating the press performance to the change in the ends opening signature, the manufacturing process capability can be observed. This trend monitoring is extremely beneficial to the process engineer, in predicting potential out-of-spec score residual and other critical features. By sampling ends from the production line, the Opening Force Gauge can monitor tooling wear in real-time and provide significant savings in both labour and scrap.


        Torus Shells and Ends

        Beverage Shells and Ends


        Measurement Features

        • Metal Exposure (mA) | Accuracy: +\- 0.1mA (@ 0-100 mA range)


        Technical Specification

        • Shell Materials | Aluminium/Steel
        • Component Stages | Shells, Converted Ends (Lined and Unlined)
        • Shell Diameter Range | Typical Range: Ø 211 – Ø 307
        • Option of 1-3 stations for up to 3 sizes/types at one time with no change parts
        • Batch interrupt facility
        • Both shell and converted end inspection
        • In-cycle “conductivity” monitoring and industry standard 4 second mA check
        • Automatic electrolyte recycling and monitoring
        • 4 shells / ends per minute
        • Adjustable multi-size loading and handling system

        Once the part program is selected, the operator will be prompted to load the hopper system as instructed, a maximum of up to 100 shells / ends per hopper (maximum of 4 hoppers per gauge)

        The samples can be collected from the production lines and batch loaded at any given time without cancelling the current batch inspection sequence, resulting in increased sample testing frequency.

        The gauge will then automatically start the test cycle using the industry standard 4 second procedure.

        Torus Recommends

        Our Divisions

        Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

        How can we help you?



          The Z403 Automatic Compound Weight and Placement Gauge has been designed to reduce the significant labour time associated with manual compound weight and placement checks, whilst also reducing the risk of human error in this manually labour intensive process.


          By adopting a similar strategy to the existing manual process, Torus have incorporated state of the art printing technology to label each shell with specific information related to the module, liner, sample, date and time.


          Torus Shells and Ends

          Beverage Shells and Ends


          Measurement Features

          • Compound Weight | Accuracy: +/- 0.4 mg | Repeatability: 1.0 mg
          • Pre-lined Weight | Taken from post-lined weight to give compound weight
          • Post-lined Weight | Pre-lined weight taken from this to give compound weight
          • Average Cut Edge Distance (360º) | Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm | Repeatability: +\- 0.1 mm
          • Average High on Shoulder (360º) | Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm | Repeatability: +\- 0.1 mm
          • Average Compound Bandwidth (360º) | Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm | Repeatability: +/- 0.1 mm


          Technical Specification

          • Shell Materials | Aluminium
          • Component Stages | Shells
          • Shell Diameter Range | Typical Range: Ø 211 – Ø 307
          • Option of 1-5 stations for up to 1-5 sizes/types at one time with no change parts
          • Significantly reduces labour time
          • Reduces the risk of human error
          • Compound weight and placement together in one process
          • Barcode label printing and verification on any colour shells
          • A “dimple” detection station is included to identify liner gun 1, giving further detailed traceability for SPC data analysis

          1. Compound Weight

          After the shells have been passed through the “lining” process, the operator will bake the ends in the usual manner and return them to the gauge. Each shell will be automatically identified and weighed again. The barcode verification feature ensures the risk of “mixing” or manual data entry errors are completely removed from the process, and the compound weight will be automatically calculated and displayed for the operator for each shell.

          2. Compound Placement

          After compound weight compound placement can also be checked. This is done by up to 5 optional “uncurling” presses within the gauge, for plants producing different shell diameters and types.

          3. Uncurling

          Once “uncurled” the shells are inspected by up to 5 high resolution cameras as they are rotated through 360 degrees.

          Detailed information on the cut edge distance and HOS (high on shoulder) is provided around the complete shell circumference.

          Torus Recommends

          Our Divisions

          Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

          How can we help you?



            The Z341 Manual Coating Analyser has been developed to give fast and accurate measurement of the internal lacquer, sprayed during today’s 2 piece can manufacturing process


            By cutting the can to give suitable access, the dome area of the can is able to be checked by the system.

            No “lacquer panels” are required for calibration and measurement data can be exported via on board USB or LAN ports to your factory data acquisition systems where required.


            Torus Food Can Gauging

            Food Cans-01

            Measurement Features

            • Internal Lacquer | Accuracy: +/- 0.2 µm | Capability: 0.4 µm
            • Over Varnish | Accuracy: +/- 0.2 µm | Capability: 0.4 µm


            Technical Specification

            • Body Diameter | Typical Range: <35 mm ∅


            Gauge Features

            • Dual system equipped with two spectrometers
            • Visible light and Near Infrared (NIR) light, enables the OV/over ink inspection
            • Simple, manual positioning by the operator ensure side wall measurements are immediately displayed on the embedded mini touch screen PC
            • Cans from (202) – (307) body diameter can be accommodated by the systems “scissor” action location fingers, operated at the push of a button
            • “Non-contact” means no wear parts, and the use of a non-contact “white light spectroscopy” technique guarantees unprecedented performance

            Torus Recommends

            Our Divisions

            Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

            How can we help you?



              The Z606 Automatic Food End Score Gauge has been developed to provide the highest accuracy, repeatability, and usability for the measurement of Score Residual on Food can ends.


              The Gauge uses two proprietary 3D Scanning White Light Interferometry Sensors developed by Torus’ Research & Development team. Each sensor performs a high-resolution area scan of the upper and lower surface of the Score area to build up a full 3D map for analysis and measurement. The sensors combine sub-micron vertical scanning with sub-micron X, Y area scans for unprecedented resolution, resolving up to 2.3 million surface data points for each Score Residual Thickness measurement.


              Torus Shells and Ends

              Beverage Shells and Ends


              Measurement Features

              • Score Residual | Accuracy: +\- <1 micron | Repeatability: <2 microns
              • Score Maximum Residual | Accuracy: +\- <1 micron | Repeatability: <2 microns
              • Score Minimum Residual | Accuracy: +\- <1 micron | Repeatability: <2 microns


              Technical Specification

              • Shell Materials | Aluminium/Steel
              • Component Stages | Food Ends
              • Component End Range | Typical Range: 48-93mm Curl Diameter (113-309)
              • Automation translates to greater labour hours available, improving compliance & increasing your ability to scale.
              • Accurate, repeatable and traceable inspection data superior to traditional methods
              • Removing operator bias, giving you complete confidence in your process control.
              • High level efficiency & productivity, significantly reducing reliance on operator labour due to short cycle inspection times.
              • Significant cost saving offering a fantastic ROI

              1. Ease of Setup

              Simply setup measurement positions using a drag and drop interface on an image of the End to be measured.

              2. Pioneering Technology

              3D Scanning White Light Interferometry Sensors developed by Torus, provide sub-micron resolution and unparalleled detail.


              Bespoke algorithms analyse up to 2.3million data points per scan to provide accurate Score Residual Thickness Measurements.

              3. Results and Feedback

              (a) Mimic Screens provide instant feedback for Pass and Fail.


              (b) Graphical Section plots show the Score profile for lifetime monitoring.


              (c) 3D data available for output to preform detailed analysis and evaluation.

              Torus Recommends

              Our Divisions

              Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

              How can we help you?



                The Z606 Automatic Beverage End Score Gauge has been developed to provide the highest accuracy, repeatability, and usability for the measurement of Score Residual on Beverage can ends.


                The Gauge uses two proprietary 3D Scanning White Light Interferometry Sensors developed by Torus’ Research & Development team. Each sensor performs a high-resolution area scan of the upper and lower surface of the Score area to build up a full 3D map for analysis and measurement. The sensors combine sub-micron vertical scanning with sub-micron X, Y area scans for unprecedented resolution, resolving up to 2.3 million surface data points for each Score Residual Thickness measurement.


                Torus Shells and Ends

                Beverage Shells and Ends


                Measurement Features

                • Score Residual | Accuracy: +\- <1 micron | Repeatability: <2 microns
                • Score Maximum Residual | Accuracy: +\- <1 micron | Repeatability: <2 microns
                • Score Minimum Residual | Accuracy: +\- <1 micron | Repeatability: <2 microns


                Technical Specification

                • Shell Materials | Aluminium/Steel
                • Component Stages | Beverage Ends
                • Component End Range | Typical Range: 48-93mm Curl Diameter (113-309)
                • Automation translates to greater labour hours available, improving compliance & increasing your ability to scale.
                • Accurate, repeatable and traceable inspection data superior to traditional methods
                • Removing operator bias, giving you complete confidence in your process control.
                • High level efficiency & productivity, significantly reducing reliance on operator labour due to short cycle inspection times.
                • Significant cost saving offering a fantastic ROI

                1. Ease of Setup

                Simply setup measurement positions using a drag and drop interface on an image of the End to be measured.

                2. Pioneering Technology

                3D Scanning White Light Interferometry Sensors developed by Torus, provide sub-micron resolution and unparalleled detail.


                Bespoke algorithms analyse up to 2.3million data points per scan to provide accurate Score Residual Thickness Measurements.

                3. Results and Feedback

                (a) Mimic Screens provide instant feedback for Pass and Fail.


                (b) Graphical Section plots show the Score profile for lifetime monitoring.


                (c) 3D data available for output to preform detailed analysis and evaluation.

                Torus Recommends

                Our Divisions

                Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                How can we help you?



                  Introducing Torus’ Z704 RemoteXplorer, offering remote visual global support from our head office

                  Z704 new 2

                  Remote support has been available for many years via Torus’ global helpdesk team, but only now can ‘eyes on’ support be offered via a new extension of Torus’ traditional GaugeXplorer software. RemoteXplorer, with the permission of customers, the gauges can now be monitored visually using RemoteXplorer’s newly developed pan and tilt camera system and software package.

                  Torus Recommends

                  Our Divisions

                  Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                  How can we help you?


                    Statistical Process Control (SPC) Software for Data Acquisition

                    Using Industry standard database platforms, SPCXplorer is suitable for single station application, through to full factory database-centric network installations.Statistical Process Control (SPC) software is essential for manufacturing wide quality monitoring. 

                    Upgrade Existing SPC Software Systems

                    With our database migration tools and backward compatibility architecture, users of the previous generation Repro2000 statistical process control software can upgrade with minimal disruption to their daily operation.

                    Designed with the needs of shop-floor data collection in mind, SPCXplorer can be interfaced to a large variety of manual instrumentation via RS232 connectivity, or for more complex gauging systems, can process bespoke ASCII data files via Ethernet.

                    The Reporting module ensures the data is displayed in the right format for your quality reviews, and with its simple and powerful administration functions, access to the management and configuration areas of the software is password protected for assured security.

                    Reliable & Professional SPC Software for Industry – SPCXplorer

                    Statistical Process Control software helps prevent business relative issues before they occur, via the use of data driven quality analysis. This enables you to monitor your production process by utilising visual diagrams such as Control Charts, customers have the ability to create specific control boundaries for all of their process monitoring needs. SPCXplorer detects manufacturing issues before they occur.

                    Using statistical process control software and knowing how efficient your processes are running, helps give the operators valuable information on whether to instigate or adjust their manufacturing processes or whether to carry on with the current process.

                    Want to know more about our SPC software? Contact us today.

                    Torus Recommends

                    Our Divisions

                    Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                    How can we help you?

                      GAUGEXPLORER SOFTWARE

                      GaugeXplorer Software

                      GXP software is fundamental to all Torus Measurement Systems gauges, providing smooth reliable gauge operation, including state of the art intuative diagnostic tools, allowing the operators and our TMS support team easy access to the gauge where ever in the world you are.

                      GXP software has a range of features for your specific industry requirements to help improve productivity & meet quality requirements.

                      • Helping improve productivity, industry specific processes, quality assurance, operator confidence
                      • Advanced customer support (on-line) via our help desk
                      • Continuous optimisation, ensuring we exceed customer expectations with state of the art GXP
                      • Software reliability (customer confidence)

                      Torus Recommends

                      Our Divisions

                      Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                      How can we help you?



                        The Z605 End Buckle and Burst Gauge is the world’s first End Buckle and Burst Gauge with up to three size capability with no manual change parts.


                        The operator simply loads a batch of ends into the gauge to initiate both the buckle and burst tests. The collated data is then quickly exported to the customers SPC data acquisition system for analysis.


                        Torus Shells and Ends

                        Beverage Shells and Ends


                        Measurement Features

                        • Buckle | Accuracy: +\- 5.0 Kpa (+/- 0.05 bar)
                        • Burst | Accuracy:  +\- 5.0 Kpa (+/- 0.05 bar)


                        Technical Specification

                        • Can Materials | Aluminium
                        • Can Stages | Ends
                        • Can Body Diameter Range | Typical Range: Ø 202 – Ø 209
                        • Max. Buckle Pressure | 9.0 bar
                        • Max. Burst Pressure | 9.0 bar
                        • Buckle Flow Rate | Typical Range: 0 – 9.0 bar/s
                        • Burst Flow Rate | Typical Range: 0 – 9.0 bar/s
                        • World’s first end buckle and burst gauge with up to three size capability with no manual change parts
                        • Removing operator error ensuring correct tooling is used, which in turn saves time and improves efficiency
                        • Using our modular design concept the system can be specified for your exact needs for now and in the future

                        Ends are collected from operator loaded hopper cassettes and placed into the dedicated tooling, precisely clamping and securing the end in position. Pressure is then applied until the end buckles or reaches a maximum specifiable pressure before finishing the test. Operators are presented with graphical information about buckle and burst performance as well as numerical data for SPC analysis and pass/fail classification.


                        NEW 1


                        Torus Recommends

                        Our Divisions

                        Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                        How can we help you?



                          Our Z604 automatic beverage shell and end enamel rater offers unprecedented functionality and capability for today’s global shell/end making industry.


                          By monitoring critical manufacturing parameters over time and relating the press performance to the change in the ends opening signature, the manufacturing process capability can be observed. This trend monitoring is extremely beneficial to the process engineer, in predicting potential out-of-spec score residual and other critical features. By sampling ends from the production line, the Opening Force Gauge can monitor tooling wear in real-time and provide significant savings in both labour and scrap.


                          Torus Shells and Ends

                          Beverage Shells and Ends


                          Measurement Features

                          • Metal Exposure (mA) | Accuracy: +\- 0.1mA (@ 0-100 mA range)


                          Technical Specification

                          • Shell Materials | Aluminium/Steel
                          • Component Stages | Shells, Converted Ends (Lined and Unlined)
                          • Shell Diameter Range | Typical Range: Ø 200 – Ø 209 **

                          **Beverage can end standard diameter range includes but is not limited to Ø 200 – Ø 209

                          • Option of 1-3 stations for up to 3 sizes/types at one time with no change parts
                          • Batch interrupt facility
                          • Both shell and converted end inspection
                          • In-cycle “conductivity” monitoring and industry standard 4 second mA check
                          • Automatic electrolyte recycling and monitoring
                          • 4 shells / ends per minute
                          • Adjustable multi-size loading and handling system

                          Once the part program is selected, the operator will be prompted to load the hopper system as instructed, a maximum of up to 100 shells / ends per hopper (maximum of 4 hoppers per gauge)

                          The samples can be collected from the production lines and batch loaded at any given time without cancelling the current batch inspection sequence, resulting in increased sample testing frequency.

                          The gauge will then automatically start the test cycle using the industry standard 4 second procedure.

                          Torus Recommends

                          Our Divisions

                          Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                          How can we help you?



                            The Z601 Automative EOE Progression Gauges sets the standard for inspecting all standard and enhanced inspection features across all conversion types.


                            The non-contact technology gives the operator the reassurance that no influence or bias has occurred during measurement, giving you full confidence in your production process.


                            Torus Shells and Ends

                            Beverage Shells and Ends


                            Technical Specification

                            • Component Materials | Aluminium/Coloured Ends
                            • Component Stages | Full conversion stages (Beverage)
                            • Component End Range | Typical Range: Ø 200 – Ø 206
                            • EOE (Easy Open Ends) | SOT (Stay On Tab) / RPT (Ring Pull Type)
                            • All conversion types supported (SOT & RPT)
                            • Live data transfer to customer specific SPC package
                            • Standard feature cycle time <4 minutes per full progression
                            • Enhanced feature cycle time <8 minutes per full progression
                            • Fully automated so no change of parts
                            • Easy to load adjustable cassettes (Ø 200 – Ø 206) for inspection (48 ends per stack)

                            The system is available in two variants; Standard and Enhanced

                            Standard Feature Set (DRT)
                            Measurement Features

                            • Primary Bubble Height
                            • Primary Bubble Head Thickness
                            • Primary Bubble Coin
                            • Secondary Bubble Height
                            • Secondary Bubble Head Thickness
                            • Secondary Bubble Coin
                            • Primary Button Height
                            • Primary Button Head Thickness
                            • Primary Button Coin
                            • Button Re-strike Head Thickness
                            • Button Re-strike Panel Coin
                            Standard Feature Set (Stolle)
                            Measurement Features

                            • Bubble Height
                            • Bubble Head Thickness
                            • Bubble Coin
                            • Primary Button Height
                            • Primary Button Thickness
                            • Primary Button Coin
                            • Secondary Button Height
                            • Secondary Button Thickness
                            • Secondary Button Coin

                            The Enhanced version allows optional measurement of additional features:

                            Enhanced Feature Set (DRT)
                            Measurement Features

                            • Primary Panel Coin
                            • Tear Panel
                            • Outer Bead Coin Residual
                            • Anti-Rotation Dimple Height
                            • Stiffening Panel Depth
                            • Inner Bead Coin Residual
                            • Finger-well Depth
                            • Vent Bead Residual
                            • Outer Bead Height
                            • Rivet Residual
                            • Rivet Diameter
                            • Rivet Re-strike
                            Enhanced Feature Set (Stolle)
                            Measurement Features

                            • Primary Panel Coin
                            • Button Panel Coin
                            • Shadow Bead Height
                            • Cent Bead
                            • De-boss Panel
                            • Finger-well
                            • Vent Tube Height (Special Application)
                            • Anti-Missile Thickness
                            • Vent Bead Residual
                            • Rivet Residual
                            • Rivet Diameter
                            • Rivet Re-strike


                            Torus Recommends

                            Our Divisions

                            Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                            How can we help you?

                              Z603 AUTOMATIC BEVERAGE END OPENING FORCE GAUGE

                              Z603 AUTOMATIC BEVERAGE END OPENING FORCE GAUGE

                              The “Enhanced” Opening Force Gauge from Torus Measurement Systems builds on the success of the standard model used by leading end makers.


                              By monitoring critical manufacturing parameters over time and relating the press performance to the change in the ends opening signature, the manufacturing process capability can be observed. This trend monitoring is extremely beneficial to the process engineer, in predicting potential out-of-spec score residual and other critical features. By sampling ends from the production line, the Opening Force Gauge can monitor tooling wear in real-time and provide significant savings in both labour and scrap.


                              Torus Shells and Ends

                              Beverage Shells and Ends


                              Measurement Features

                              • Pop and Tear Force/Angle | Dead Weight Accuracy: +/- 0.2 lbf (0.09 kgf)
                              • Tab Strength Force/Angle
                              • Tab Differential
                              • Partial Opening Force/Angle
                              • Vertical Drop Angle
                              • Programmable Pressurization | Accuracy:  0-95 PSI (6.5 bar)
                              • Load Capacity | 200 ends


                              Technical Specification

                              • Size Range | 200-300 diameters (tooling change required for different ends)
                              • End Type | SOT / RPT
                              • Pull Load Range | 0.25 lbf (11.3 kgf) with overload protection
                              • Quick-change tooling design
                              • Automatic tooling adjustment (Multi Axis Control)
                              • Tab strength with automatic tab rotation
                              • Programmable pressurisation
                              • Optional features available: Vent and Missile (Pass/Fail), Score Aperture Opening (Tuck Under), RPT Capability
                              Pop and Tear
                              Shift Data Comparison –  Pop and Tear1 

                              Tab Strength
                              Shift Data Comparison –  Tab Strength


                              Torus Recommends

                              Our Divisions

                              Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                              How can we help you?



                                The Z403 Compound Weight and Placement Gauge has been designed to reduce the significant labour time associated with manual Compound Weight and Placement checks, whilst also reducing the risk of human error in this manually labour intensive process.


                                By adopting a similar strategy to the existing manual process, Torus have incorporated state of the art printing technology to label each shell with specific information related to the module, liner, sample, date and time.


                                Torus Shells and Ends

                                Beverage Shells and Ends


                                Measurement Features

                                • Compound Weight | Accuracy: +/- 0.4 mg | Repeatability: 1.0 mg
                                • Pre-lined Weight | Taken from post-lined weight to give compound weight
                                • Post-lined Weight | Pre-lined weight taken from this to give compound weight
                                • Average Cut Edge Distance (360º) | Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm | Repeatability: +\- 0.1 mm
                                • Average High on Shoulder (360º) | Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm | Repeatability: +\- 0.1 mm
                                • Average Compound Bandwidth (360º) | Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm | Repeatability: +/- 0.1 mm


                                Technical Specification

                                • Shell Materials | Aluminium
                                • Component Stages | Shells
                                • Shell Diameter Range | Typical Range: Ø 200 – Ø 209
                                • Option of 1-5 stations for up to 1-5 sizes/types at one time with no change parts
                                • Significantly reduces labour time
                                • Reduces the risk of human error
                                • Compound weight and placement together in one process
                                • Barcode label printing and verification on any colour shells
                                • A “dimple” detection station is included to identify liner gun 1, giving further detailed traceability for SPC data analysis

                                1. Compound Weight

                                After the shells have been passed through the “lining” process, the operator will bake the ends in the usual manner and return them to the gauge. Each shell will be automatically identified and weighed again. The barcode verification feature ensures the risk of “mixing” or manual data entry errors are completely removed from the process, and the compound weight will be automatically calculated and displayed for the operator for each shell.

                                2. Compound Placement

                                After compound weight compound placement can also be checked. This is done by up to 5 optional “uncurling” presses within the gauge, for plants producing different shell diameters and types.

                                3. Uncurling

                                Once “uncurled” the shells are inspected by up to 5 high resolution cameras as they are rotated through 360 degrees.

                                Detailed information on the cut edge distance and HOS (high on shoulder) is provided around the complete shell circumference.

                                Torus Recommends

                                Our Divisions

                                Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                                How can we help you?

                                  Z401 AUTOMATIC BEVERAGE SHELL INSPECTION GAUGE

                                  Z401 AUTOMATIC BEVERAGE SHELL INSPECTION GAUGE

                                  The Z401 Shell Inspection System from Torus Measurement Systems defines the standard for dimensional inspection of beverage / beer can shells.


                                  Each shell to be inspected is automatically collected from a ‘stack’ and loaded into the gauging module with an integrated pick and place system. The measurement cycle is then initiated via the PC running the TMS GaugeXplorer Measurement and Machine Control software.


                                  Torus Shells and Ends

                                  Beverage Shells and Ends


                                  Measurement Features

                                  • Unit Depth | Accuracy: +\- 0.005 mm
                                  • Countersink | Accuracy: +\- 0.005 mm
                                  • Panel Depth | Accuracy: +\- 0.005 mm
                                  • Curl Diameter | Accuracy: +\- 0.005 mm
                                  • Curl Height | Accuracy: +\- 0.005 mm
                                  • Curl Opening* | Accuracy: +/- 0.025 mm
                                  • Inner Curl Diameter | Accuracy: +/- 0.025 mm
                                  • Average Metal Thickness | Accuracy: +/- 0.005 mm

                                  *Curl Opening feature not supported on CDL style shells


                                  Technical Specification

                                  • Shell Materials | Aluminium
                                  • Shell Stages | Pre-Curl, Form, Finished
                                  • Shell Body Diameter Range | Typical Range: Ø 200 – Ø 206
                                  • Fast and accurate measurement data
                                  • No change parts
                                  • Can be supplied for a single-fixed diameter of shell, or for facilities producing multiple sizes from Ø 200 – Ø 206, a fully automatic adjustable version is available
                                  • Operator can define which features are inspected at up to 16 selectable positions
                                  • Pre-curl and finished shells can be measured with no mechanical changeover
                                  • Hopper type handling system, one or two load/unload hopper cassettes (stack of shells up to 98mm height)

                                  The Torus Measurement Systems modular design construction gives complete flexibility when specifying your requirements.

                                  The below option Automatic Grain Alignment is available to add at anytime.

                                  The Grain Alignment option allows operators to gain information of where exact measurement points are taken, allowing for precise tooling adjustment to be made when required.

                                  Torus Recommends

                                  Our Divisions

                                  Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                                  How can we help you?



                                    Ensure your product quality is never compromised by utilising Torus’ Master re-calibration service for your gauge masters.


                                    The Beverage Can Master supplied with your gauge is extremely important for the reliability of your measurement results.


                                    As the original equipment manufacturer Torus Measurement Systems recommends that your Master is re-calibrated annually to continually assess for wear, damage and integrity. This ensures your product quality is never compromised.


                                    Torus are a leading manufacturer in gauging systems for the packaging industry worldwide, with the expertise to understand the functionality and critical features of your master.


                                    Torus Measurement Systems Master Calibration Service offers:

                                    • ISO 17025 (UKAS approved measurement methods)
                                    • ISO 9001 (BSI approved Quality Management System)
                                    • Continual commitment to quality
                                    • Quick turnaround offering minimum disruption (typical 3 – 5 days)
                                    • Value for money
                                    • Annual re-call notification when your master is due for calibration (this is driven by our own bespoke software Information Management System) – this notification will be sent to your preferred contact six weeks prior to when your master is due for re-calibration.

                                    Torus Recommends

                                    Our Divisions

                                    Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                                    How can we help you?

                                      Z341 BENCH TOP BEVERAGE CAN COATING ANALYSER

                                      Z341 BENCH TOP BEVERAGE CAN COATING ANALYSER

                                      The Z341 Manual Coating Analyser has been developed to give fast and accurate measurement of the internal lacquer, sprayed during today’s 2 piece can manufacturing process


                                      By cutting the can to give suitable access, the dome area of the can is able to be checked by the system.

                                      No “lacquer panels” are required for calibration and measurement data can be exported via on board USB or LAN ports to your factory data acquisition systems where required.


                                      Torus Beverage Can Gauging


                                      Measurement Features

                                      • Internal Lacquer | Accuracy: +/- 0.2 µm | Capability: 0.4 µm
                                      • Over Varnish | Accuracy: +/- 0.2 µm | Capability: 0.4 µm


                                      Technical Specification

                                      • Body Diameter | Typical Range: <35 mm ∅


                                      Gauge Features

                                      • Dual system equipped with two spectrometers
                                      • Visible light and Near Infrared (NIR) light, enables the OV/over ink inspection
                                      • Simple, manual positioning by the operator ensure side wall measurements are immediately displayed on the embedded mini touch screen PC
                                      • Cans from (202) – (307) body diameter can be accommodated by the systems “scissor” action location fingers, operated at the push of a button
                                      • “Non-contact” means no wear parts, and the use of a non-contact “white light spectroscopy” technique guarantees unprecedented performance

                                      Torus Recommends

                                      Our Divisions

                                      Through our three key divisions we deliver a range of measurement and inspection systems, metrology services and machine enclosure solutions, as well as our online store for aluminium profile components and workspace solutions.

                                      How can we help you?